Cabin Fever

Well, It's been a while but here goes.. Here in Nashville we have unseasonably cold weather for this area. Monday we experienced an ice storm that shut the city down, thankfully it was President's Day so schools were out, however my homeschooled kids also missed out on a day away from Mom because the Nashville Children's Theatre Drama Day was cancelled as well. All my plans for the day were ruined as well.  I had planned on staking out post Valentine's day sales, going to get new running shoes, going to JoAnn's to peruse fabric remnants and other craft items and do some planning for our Summer, but instead we were hanging out as a family and that's ok, but I hate missing a sale.

On Tuesday the cold temperatures and some more snow caused the ice to remain, schools closed and pretty much everything else closed as well. Let me explain, our driveway is up a 45 degree angle and it is complete ICE, so we are pretty much stuck in the house until our driveway melts so everything is closed in our eyes since we can't get out. Many of our neighbors also live up extreme hills, some park their cars at the bottom of their driveways, we chose not to do that, I just felt like if we need to get out, then we will figure it out or we will have to change our plans. We have seen some folks venture out and thankfully they made it back in, however we haven't seen the mailman and well you know if he can't make it, I know we can't but that's ok, because it's not like we don't have things to do.

Today is Thursday and it is COLD, so cold that our Homeschool Day at our local Nature Center was cancelled and again we are "stuck" in the house. Which is not a big deal as we have stuff to do, since well we do Homeschool. However I know the kids want to go outside.

I stepped out on the porch and thought it's not that cold, apparently it's 12 degrees but feels like -2, and yet I didn't think it was that bad. Then it hit me, there were times when I was growing up that we did not have heat in the winter (not the bitter cold because by law in St. Louis the heat can not be turned off in the winter once it gets to December 21st or 22nd whichever is the official start date for winter and luckily it doesn't start getting bitterly cold in St. Louis until January), so I am kind of use to cold weather in that aspect. No I don't have bitter feelings towards my mother, because she was doing the best she could as a teen mother with no high school education. That was life and I learned to adapt and survive. So I know how to dress in the winter and in turn that's how I make my kids dress and I am prepared for the possibility that we will not leave our house until Sunday because we have more than enough food or things to make meals out of and we have clothes to keep warm, our heat is not turned off but if it does we have a fireplace and a gas stove, so again we will be ok. Heck I had to walk in about 6 inches of snow with no snow boots for about 5 miles to try and catch a school bus because I missed mine, so I'm good.

Although I have 2 younger brothers, one was born when I was 18, the other when I was 21 and had my own child, I still am considered an only child in psychological terms, So I am used to being "alone" and entertaining myself, I mean what else are books for other than to take you to another place (see we didn't have cable, so I only had local channels and PBS to watch).  I mention all this to simply because  I don't really have cabin fever and thankfully neither do my kids.  Don't get me wrong, I am disappointed that I am  missing out on all those post Valentine's Day sales (because 70% off as I am sure that's is how high the mark down is at Target right about now is something that makes me happy), and I really want to get new running shoes (because I really need to start running), and I REALLY want to go to the library (we have a brand new library and it's BEAUTIFUL and I could go there everyday), I mean I was an "only" child so Books became my friend, yes I'm all over the place that's why this blog is called Imperfectly Perfect because that's who I am and I do not have Cabin Fever, now ask me tomorrow, LOL.


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